The photos from my xmas eve is up. They can be found here:
My gifts: 3 packages of Linda McCartney Foods, Laundry bag, Ekelund towel with a tomte (santa) and a cat, giftcard for a lesson in throwing (potter’s wheel) and a ceramic lantern, 2 plant supporters for hyacinths, Rolf Berg ceramic tomte with cat, wine plug shaped as a cat, pen and a note book with cats on, felted tomte, tin jar with chocolate chip and orange biscuits, Maros kök (Cook book with Greek food), Guide till Runriket (book about runestones), paper angel, long sweater, Houses of the National Trust (book), Lid Sid (for covers of pots and pans) and a card holder with a cat.
I baked these:
Xmas gifts:
My dinner:
More xmas gifts: